Orlando Appraisal Blog

CoreLogic: Five States Account for Nearly Half of all Foreclosures
November 13th, 2012 7:16 AM

Five states accounted for 47.7 percent of the nation’s foreclosure activity for the 12-month period ending in September, according to CoreLogic data, HousingWire reported Oct. 31.

California, Florida, Georgia, Michigan and Texas had the highest volumes of completed foreclosures during the period. California (108,000 foreclosures) and Florida (92,000 foreclosures) led the states in foreclosure activity. Texas, Georgia and Michigan each completed more than 50,000 foreclosures during the period.

When foreclosure rates were tallied on the basis of the percentage of mortgaged homes, states with the highest rates were Florida, Illinois, Nevada, New Jersey and New York. Those with the lowest rates (1.1 percent or lower) were Alaska, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota and Wyoming, according to CoreLogic, HousingWire reported.

States with the lowest levels of foreclosure activity (reporting less than 700 filings during the 12-month period) included the District of Columbia, Hawaii, Maine, North Dakota and South Dakota; South Dakota reported only 20 completed foreclosures throughout the 12-month period, according to CoreLogic data, HousingWire reported.

Posted in:General
Posted by Alexis Olmo on November 13th, 2012 7:16 AMPost a Comment

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